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Costa Rica restored its forests and switched to renewable energy (theverge.com)
hi-v-rocknroll 1 days ago [-]
Although Costa Rica went <100% duty cycle (intermittently) 100% renewables in 2015, but it took until recently (2024) to go 100% duty cycle (continuously).
applied_heat 1 days ago [-]
They have gobs of hydro-electric power to start with!
x3haloed 1 days ago [-]
I’m shocked they were even able to do this. From what I’ve been reading the last couple years, it seems that the US and UK like to just destabilize countries with natural resources and send in the corporations.

I don’t think we’ll make meaningful progress on giving people their land back until corporations are massively reined in.

addicted 8 hours ago [-]
So when you found a counter example to what you believed is possible did it lead you to reconsider your premises?

A large, possibly the only, reason you believe that the U.S. and UK corporations are at fault for much of what’s wrong in the world is because Americans and Brits (broadly, “the western world”) are actually allowed to write about and publish their criticisms of their own countries.

Just as an example of this within the same ideological space, because it might be harder for you to accept that the USSR, China, Latin American and African nations themselves might be responsible for a lot of this, consider France.

France arguably has as bad if not a worse colonial history than the UK, and one that has continued much later than the UK’s (as evidenced by the several African military coups over the past couple of years which have drawn support almost entirely due to the ruling powers’ relationships with France), but you didn’t even bother mentioning them likely because any terrible French colonial activity has likely been criticized in French, a language you probably don’t read.

Georgelemental 23 hours ago [-]
Costa Rica is a sovereign country, they can just say "no" to foreign corporations. (So could most other governments, it's just that some have corrupt leaders who want to keep receiving the bribes)
SOLAR_FIELDS 17 hours ago [-]
Costa Rica is also known as basically the only democratically stable country in its immediate area. They are perhaps sometimes lumped in with their neighbors when people consider them as a country when in actuality they operate pretty much on the level of European countries in terms of stability of democracy (Costa Rica is still behind Europe in some other metrics beyond their political system but as a political entity they are quite stable and well run, at least compared to their neighbors)
senkora 6 hours ago [-]
+1. Costa Rica is a common immigration destination within the region because of its stability.
hulitu 7 hours ago [-]
> Costa Rica is a sovereign country, they can just say "no" to foreign corporations.

To some, yes. See CIA for details.

AndyMcConachie 15 hours ago [-]
Typically when the CIA has this problem of 'sovereign country' in central or south America they kill the leaders and install their own. I think that's the parent's point.
Tostino 8 hours ago [-]
Of course the CIA doesn't do assassinations! There are just very well armed rebel group that pop up everywhere the CIA operates that has all the intelligence necessary to pull off a coup. Totally not assassination.
8 hours ago [-]
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